About Us

Our Goal is simple: to guide small business owners toward making more money while growing their business through actionable financial insight.
Tired of being ignored by your current CPA? Want to grow your business but don't know where to start?
You don't need to feel this way. This is why we started Revamp CPA.


Our Journey and Passion

Our journey began with a deep admiration for the real estate, remodeling, and design worlds. We've marveled at the transformations these industries bring to life – from the revitalization of properties to the creation of awe-inspiring spaces. We are inspired by how you are uplifting your communities and providing highly valued services. Our admiration isn't just professional; it's personal. We love what you do, and we're here to support you in achieving your visions.

Our Mission

We're here to bridge the gap between financial intricacies and your creative endeavors. We understand that while you're busy crafting extraordinary spaces and making savvy investments, navigating financial complexities can be overwhelming. Our goal is to make finance easy to understand and manage – so you can focus on what you do best. 

Why Choose Us?

Your Dreams Are Our Inspiration: Your passion fuels us. We're inspired by your creativity, innovation, and the remarkable impact you bring to your communities and the real estate, remodeling, and design industries.


Industry Experts by Your Side: We're not just CPAs; we're experts in your world. We've immersed ourselves in the nuances of the real estate, remodeling, and design sectors. We understand the unique challenges you face, and we're equipped with insights and solutions that are tailor-made for your industry.


Unparalleled Customer Service: We get it – many businesses like yours are tired of the lackluster customer service provided by their current accountants and CPAs. At Revamp CPA, we're committed to turning that frustration into satisfaction. We're here to provide prompt, attentive, and friendly service that ensures your questions are answered, your needs are met, and your business thrives.


A Playbook of Solutions: Consider us your financial playbook. We've compiled a wealth of strategies and solutions that directly address the obstacles specific to your field. Whether it's optimizing tax structures for real estate investments or streamlining financial processes for remodeling projects, we've got a solution ready for you.


Speak Your Language: We're committed to breaking down complex concepts into plain language, empowering you to make informed decisions without the confusion.


Alleviating Financial Stress: Managing finances can be stressful. Let us take that burden off your shoulders. Our team is here to handle the numbers, leaving you with the peace of mind to focus on what you love.